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The International Anatolian Eagle 2022 training exercise took place between 20 June – 01 July 2022 at 3rd Main Jet Base Konya, Turkey. Aims of the exercise were to develop the capabilities of Azerbaijan, United Kingdom, Jordan, Pakistan, NATO and Turkish components’ day time joint operations, to increase the mutual support between forces and to enhance the training levels of the participants by providing planning and execution in almost real time operation environment with fighter aircraft and surface deployed (on the ground and at the sea) air defense weapon systems which are used to protect tactical and strategic targets against mixed air operation mission and to give an opportunity to try new tactics and techniques.
During the exercise, a total of 274 sorties were completed with the participation of 5 different countries and NATO with 48 aircraft and 1335 personnel and Air Force Commander Full General Hasan KÜÇÜKAKYÜZ has participated in the Distinguished Observer Day on 29 June 2022.
Anatolian Eagle is a Blue Force/Red Force exercise similar to Red Flag (USA) exercises. It provide realistic operational training, enable fighters to execute their tactics, provide a platform to exchange ideas and keep fighters and GCI controllers current. At the Konya Air Base, dedicated ground facilities like large scale briefing rooms, are on hand. With its dense Airspace surrounding Konya, the exercise takes place in a large 50.000 square mile training area, with an altitude range between ground level up to 50.000 feet. The Anatolian Eagle exercises are held three times a year of which two are classed as national exercises whilst during the third the Turkish Air Force invites Allied Air Forces to give them the opportunity to join the exercise.
The Turkish Air Force participated the International Anatolian Eagle 22 exercise with 28 F-16’s from various Squadrons, F-4 Phantoms and the E-7T AEW aircraft. Noteworthy debut were the Bayraktar Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Anka S and the Akinci Combat UAV. These UAV were used in the reconnaissance role to give real life information on the targets. NATO E-3A AWACS aircraft deployed at Konya also participated the exercise.

International participants were the UK Royal Air Force flying the Eurofighter Typhoon. The Pakistan Air Force took part with 6 F-16’s, while the Jordanian Air Force participated with 3 F-16’s. But the highlights for the attending photographers were the Azerbaijan Air Force with two Su-25’s. As Konya is also the home of the famous Solo Türk F-16 demonstration team, the team put up a powerful show.

We would like to extend our sincere thanks to the Turkish Air Force Public Affairs Office, The Commander of the Anatolian Eagle Training Centre and all the staff at the Konya Air Base for their great hospitality!

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