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Warbirds…the most precious aircraft of all. Our living history, and hail to those entrepreneurs, restauration companies, pilots and owners who do their best worldwide to keep these precious aircraft in a flying condition.

Each year we have a project in the UK that is fully dedicated to fly with those warbirds. There is a very lively scene in the UK, where there is still a wealth of ‘old metal’ flying around. Duxford proved to be very expensive to operate from last year, so this year our choice was made to fly from Sywell airfield. Not only is it nearby – in flying terms – to all the aircraft stationed in Duxford, but it is also home itself to an impressive collection of WWII aircraft. It proved to be the ideal airfield for us.

The only way to make it possible to fly these aircraft on a dedicated photomission is when the two things are present that keep them alive….money and fuel! Thanks to the photographers flying with us, we are able to have normally 6 of those warbirds flying for us. This year we were lucky, as it would be 7!

Richard Paver is the UK’s foremost warbird photographer, and well connected to most of the companies and owners, so once again we had his very appreciated help to build an incredible afternoon. The other thing we need of course are some ace pilots! We have the Pink Skyvan with our super experienced pilot Phillip Artweger, and in the briefing we got together with the team of pilots who would fly for us. All went very well in preparation, until it was time to start up the Skyvan photoship only to discover that we had a radio problem. Fortunately we were able to delay the flights, and the challenge to fix the radio issue was met with success, also thanks to the very friendly technicians of Sywell airfield.

Ready to go on the first flight, we were lucky to see the ‘Shark Mustang’ and shiny metal Sea Fury. What is interesting for photographers is that we can set up a solo moment for each of the aircraft, followed by a 2-ship formation. Those are very often quite unique set ups.

Unfortunately the weather wasn’t fully on our side, but it did clear up a bit for the second flight of the day, with 5 aircraft in the line-up. Not every day you get to see 2 Buchons flying together in front of your lens…airborne?

Of course the all-time classic Spitfire had to be on the program as well, and we were able to offer a 2-ship formation with that other hero from WWII, the P-51 Mustang. After the first Mustang ‘Contrary Mary’ had finished with the solo photos, she was joined by a second P-51 as ‘Miss Helen’ gave us the grand finale with a 2-ship Mustang formation.

Next year we will return to Sywell airfield for another day to fly with the warbirds. You are invited if you have a taste for that legendary metal, as it is one of the most iconic views ( and sounds ) you can have to see them in the air. If you like to join us in a new warbird adventure, just send a short email to .

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